How to start technical blogging?

How to start technical blogging?


4 min read

Step #1

Get some motivation ๐ŸŽ—

Motivation for you could be any of the following:

  1. Sharing knowledge: Many people enjoy sharing their knowledge and expertise with others. Technical blogging provides a platform to do just that. By sharing what they know, bloggers can help others who may be facing similar challenges or looking for solutions to problems.

  2. Building a personal brand: Technical blogging can help establish a blogger's reputation as an expert in their field. This can help attract clients, job opportunities, and speaking engagements.

  3. Networking: Technical blogging can help bloggers connect with others in their field. By writing about topics that are relevant to their industry, bloggers can attract like-minded individuals and build a community around their content.

  4. Improving writing skills: Technical blogging can be a great way to improve writing skills. By regularly writing and editing blog posts, bloggers can hone their writing skills and become better communicators.

  5. Learning new skills: When bloggers research and write about technical topics, they often learn new things in the process. This can be motivating and rewarding, and can also help them stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in their field.

For me, while some of the reasons listed above apply, I also wanted to create an online record of my writing and learning that I could easily access from anywhere and anytime, like a personal diary ๐Ÿ“”.

Step #2

Choose your blogging platform

There are many blogging platforms available, such as WordPress, Medium, and Ghost. Choose the one that best suits your needs and preferences.

After browsing through various platforms on YouTube to see what others were using, I stumbled upon a video about Hashnode that convinced me to choose it as my blogging platform.

This is the video

I do recommend watching this video.

Step #3

Define your niche:

Determine the topic or topics you want to write about. It's important to choose a niche that you're passionate about and that you have expertise in.

I found Hashnode to be very user-friendly for adding personal tags. By following the content of others based on those tags, I could get ideas and inspiration. Additionally, there are many people already blogging beautifully on the platform.

Step #4

Plan your content:

Once you've defined your niche, plan out the content you want to create. This can include tutorials, opinion pieces, how-to guides, or reviews.

You can write about any topic that interests you, something you want to learn or share with others, or any subject you wish to explore further.

Step #5

Start writing:

Start writing and publishing your content. Make sure to proofread and edit your posts before publishing them.

I find this platform incredibly user-friendly and intuitive. Even as a first-time blogger, I don't feel like there's much of a learning curve and I am feeling confident about publishing my first post. I've had a positive experience with it so far.

Step #6 (Optional)

Promote your blog:

Share your posts on social media and other relevant platforms to reach a wider audience. You can also join online communities related to your niche to connect with other bloggers and readers.

This is entirely optional, and it's up to you whether you want to go the extra mile to promote your blog to a wider audience. Personally, I don't have any plans to do so because, as I mentioned earlier, this blog is mainly for my own benefit. If the content is interesting enough, I believe people will naturally find and share it

Step #7

Engage with your readers:

Respond to comments and engage with your readers to build a community around your blog.

When readers find your blog engaging, they might leave a comment, and it's important to acknowledge and respond to each one. Consider every comment as constructive feedback that can help you learn and improve your content.


In conclusion, technical blogging is a great way to share your knowledge, build your personal brand, network with others, improve your writing skills, and learn new things. Before starting your own blog, choose a blogging platform that best suits your needs and preferences, define your niche, plan out your content, and start writing. Promoting your blog to a wider audience is optional, but engaging with your readers by responding to comments is essential. Always consider feedback from your readers as a valuable opportunity to learn and improve your content. With these steps, you can create a successful technical blog and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

So, are you ready to start your technical blogging journey?
